Tuesday 6 August 2013

Ironman 3

Let me start off by saying, sorry for the hold up, I have not had any time to post anything of significance in the past month, but do not fear, I am back on here and will be updating quickly.

Ironman 3, this film was the biggest build up of this year of 2013 and for most people, this was the perfect cherry on top for the Ironman franchise. For me, it wasn't as spectacular as it seemed to be in the trailers. Even though this film had a gross profit of over $1 billion, I did not feel the chill that I felt in Ironman, Ironman 2 or the Avengers film last year.  
First of all, this looked more like a sequal to the Avengers, when it was meant to be one for Ironman....but still it was more like "Avengers:The Ironman Effect" and I think Shane Black (director), could have put more of an independent aspect behind this project...but that's just what I think.  
"Interestingly, while Black succeeds in presenting the most personal and intimate Tony Stark story in the series thus far, it sometimes comes at the expense of iconic Iron Man action that die-hard fans will be expecting."

It has been about 3 months since this film released back in May and honestly, this film has only one part of it that intrigued me and that was the character of Aldrich Killian, played by Guy Pierce, who was brilliant in his role and stood levels above the rest.
Robert Downey Jr. and his comedic portrayal of Ironman fell apart for me in this film and even in scenes that required a seriousness, he could not show that 'Tony Starky' charm that was very apparent in the previous films. Though he was not bad, but by no stretch was he the usual excellence we have started to expect from him.
Gwyneth Paltrow and Don Cheadle were decent in their specific roles, as well as Sir Ben Kingsley, who actually surprised me with this new genre of acting, making him the second highlight for me in the film.

It seems as though the films creators tried to invent a "new" superpower for audiences that are becoming flooded with superhero mythology, and while their goal was a respectable one, their execution was lacking. These "new" powers, which served as more of a chance for the special effects team to go crazy than anything, just make absolutely no rational sense whatsoever (even for this genre), and in the end, destroyed the "willing suspension of disbelief" which keeps us engaged in a story. 

Personally, one of the suspensive parts of the film "The mystery of the Mandarin", was very interesting and seemed to be an eye-opener for the audience.  

BUT THERE IS ONE THING I STILL DON'T UNDERSTAND! If Ironman's suits are so strong and all, why do they break and dismantle so easily in this film....seriously, the suit falls to pieces with little hits and that is just extremely ... sad. 

Visual Effects in this film were well done for which I would like to applaud the Visual team for Ironman 3, but the story...though interesting, does become quite boring by the end of it and the ending....I won't say anymore....just remember to not wait for the end-credits scene because it's literally 10 minutes of watching the credits and then a 1-minute scene which is humourous but not worth waiting for in the cinema. Wait till the DVD/Blu-ray, then just fast forward to it!
Performance 7/10
Direction 8/10
Story/Script 7/10
Action 9/10
Music/Soundtrack 8/10
Cinematography 7.5
I give this film 7.75/10 "7.75 out of 10"
Rating: Average for a superhero film! One watch is enough!